Patients with chronic or episodic trigeminal neuralgia — migraine or craniofacial neuralgia — are accepted after being educated about our treatment for migraine in Corona, California. All medications taken for migraine will be tapered down and discontinued at the time of consultation. Before the treatment, individuals will return to the clinic for necessary tests, such as MRI of the brain and CTCB of the jaws (if required). All patients may provide an MRI or CT scan of their brain and a CTCB of the jaw for a near precise evaluation of the cause of their condition.

All patients’ related medications will be reviewed by Dr. Owiesy tapered down or discontinues by a comfortable plan. We request that patients temporarily put a halt to medications, such as Plavix, Coumadin, aspirin, fish oil, and vitamin E, a few days prior to the treatment by consulting their primary care physicians.

There is no known interference of FURROW with Other medication, they should be continued. No contraindication for the presence of any co-morbidity is known for limiting the FURROW treatment.

The initial treatment consists of a very potent medication called FURROW which is provided in a 10 ml sterile vial. Patients will be tested for allergic reactions to the medication. We utilize a sophisticated algorithm developed over the past 20 years at our clinic for administration of medication. Patients will be placed in a comfortable position for access of all the branches of the trigeminal and occipital nerve branches. Then medication was administered safely in a very small doses of 0.1-0.3 milliliters to the proposed nerve endings.

There is normally no need for premedication, laboratory work, or intravenous. There is no downtime involved with the FURROW treatment. A follow-up treatment with FURROW is required if in the next 72 hours any painful triggers are noticed.

Patients may return to their daily activities the very same day. In 850 treatments, we did not witness any adverse reaction or side effects in a short time or long term.

Discover the power of science and persistence. Stop other people experimenting with your life. Life is beautiful without headaches.

**Skeptical patients and patients with severe resistant migraine cases are preferred for the FURROW treatment. It is your good right to be skeptical after so many attempts and promises. Here, we do not promise; we treat to cure. (Owiesy MD)**